662-453-4065 | info@lefloreciviccenter.com
Driving: 200 Highway 7 North
Mailing: P.O. Box 1659
Greenwood, MS 38935-1659
Driving: 200 Highway 7 North
Mailing: P.O. Box 1659
Greenwood, MS 38935-1659
Mississippi Blues Fest Presents Octoberfest 2015 at
Leflore Co Civic Center Greenwood, MS
October 3rd, 2015
FEATURING: Sir Charles Jones, Jaye Hammer, JR Blu, Pokey Bear
SHOWTIME: 7:00pm
Doors open @ 5:30pm
TICKET LOCATIONS: Leflore Co Civic Center & Harris Shoe Repair, Greenwood MS, Wilson Electronics...Grenada, Billy's Disco Den...Greenville, Jimmy Barber Shop...Winona, Myers Community Grocery...Cleveland, Capricorn Internet Cafe...Itta Bena.
To order tickets & reserve tables call 662-453-4065 or go to www.mississippibluesfest.com